The United Way Loyal Donor Program recognizes and celebrates individuals who have supported the United Way for many years and, in doing so, have had an impact on the lives of people in our local community. Since many of these donors have given their support through their workplace, we have often not had the opportunity to adequately thank and celebrate them. Below is a listing of the 10+ and 25+ Year Loyal Donors as identified on their pledge card. Also listed below is a listing of our Bridgebuilders, which is our leadership giving program, starting at $500.
Many businesses in our local community work hard to support Columbus Area United Way and its partner agencies. We are so grateful for the participation from these companies and their employees! Below is a list of these amazing donors based on percent of employee participation, with a minimum gift of $500.
Gold Level Supporters
Silver Level Supporters
Bronze Level Supporters
Behlen Mfg. Co.
Columbus Catholic Schools
Eakes Office Solutions
Mountain View PMT
Nebraska Public Power District